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The development of operational concept and Design Requirements and Objectives (DRO) of medical transport drone in Liukang Tangaya Archipelago

Safi’I I.a, Fariz A.a, Rahman M.F.a, Arifianto O.a, Sasongko R.A.a, Jenie Y.I.a

a Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.In this paper we proposed a concept of operation and developed a design requirements and objectives for a medical transport drone. The drone will be used to transport medical supplies between small islands in Indonesia. Liukang Tangaya Archipelago is chosen as study case since it represents similar archipelago in rural part of Indonesia. Limited infrastructure and man power skill are the main challenge of the operation of drone in the area. Thus, simplicity of operation and minimum support are major consideration in the requirements. A hybrid type is considered to be the best suited type for the area and mission. A hub and spoke concept is chosen with Sapuka Island as the center. A set of design requirements and objectives are defined based on the chosen drone type and mission.

Author keywords

Concept of operations,Hub and spoke,Hybrid type,Indonesia,Minimum support,Operational concepts,Small island,Study case

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Funding details

This research is supported by Bandung Institute of Technology from P3MI funding scheme.