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Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Modeling and Simulation with Thrust Vectoring Control and Scheduling

Jenie Y.I.a, Suarjaya W.W.H.a, Poetro R.E.a

a FTMD Institut Teknologi Bandung, Flight Physics Research Group, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 IEEE.This paper elaborates a mathematical model that is built specifically for simulating a launch of a multistage Launch Vehicle (LV) from the launch point to the orbit insertion. The dynamic model is built in MATLAB/Simulink environment that incorporates propulsion, aerodynamics, environmental, weight, and the engines with Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC), all in the LV six degrees of freedoms. The model also incorporated the multistage rocket simulation, where separation will immediately reduce masses and change aerodynamic characteristics. Falcon 9 LV, by SpaceX, is used as the research subject, in its operation to bring cargo to a parking orbit. Three simulation runs to test the model capability is conducted, including (1) open loop point mass simulation, (2) open loop full dynamic simulation, and (3) closed loop with TVC simulation. The final simulation shows conformity With the real LV launch data, suggesting that the model can be used as a base for control and launch schedule design.

Author keywords

Aerodynamic characteristics,MATLAB/Simulink environment,Model and simulation,Multi stage rocket,Multistage launch vehicles,Point-mass simulation,Six degrees of freedom,Thrust vectoring control

Indexed keywords

Falcon 9,Launch Scheduling,Mathematical Model,Satellite Launch Vehicle,Thrust Vectoring Control

Funding details

This research is made possible by the P3M grant in the Flight Physics Research Group, by the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Institut Teknologi Bandung.