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DIPI – Industry Academia Partnership Programme

DIPI – Industry Academia Partnership Programme

DIPI – Industry Academia Partnership Programme

Dear Sir/ Madam,


On behalf of Newton Fund, we are pleased to announce funding opportunity under the Royal Academy of Engineering – Industry Academia Partnership Programme.


Industry Academia Partnership Programme

Under its remit as a delivery partner of the Newton Fund, the Academy has partnered with Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) to enhance engineering teaching, research and innovation outcomes in Indonesian universities through building bilateral industry-academia linkages. This program also aims to foster greater ties between engineering research and innovation stakeholders in both countries.


Requests for Proposals Open

Our overall objective for the Programme is to strengthen capacity and develop capabilities within Indonesian engineering higher education and research institutions to carry out excellent teaching, research and innovation-related activities through collaboration with industry and United Kingdom (UK) counterparts.


Through this Programme, the Academy aims to support case studies of excellence in bilateralcollaboration which in themselves will generate significant long term benefit, as well as producemodels replicable by others and generate lessons which can help inform bilateral and national-level higher education, research and innovation policy.


How to Apply

All applicants are invited to submit their proposals via the Academy’s online grant system before 9AM (GMT) on 27th November, 2017.


For further details, please open the link below :


Best regards,