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Muhammad Kusni

Muhammad Kusni


Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Control and Systems Engineering • Aerospace Engineering • Materials Science (all) • Engineering (all)

Application of a multipole secondary source for propeller active noise control
Muhammad Kusni,Benjamin Soenarko,Harijono Djojodihardjo
Applied Mechanics and Materials vol:564, issue:AMM.564.135, page:1-142

Statistical analysis of CFRP mechanical properties using B-basis based on weibull and ANOVA distribution analysis
None Yurviany,Diaz Tamaza,Djarot Widagdo,Muhammad Kusni,Bambang K. Hadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering vol:852, issue:012078, page:1-

Unified aerodynamic-acoustic formulation for aero-acoustic structure coupling
H. Djojodihardjo,Mahesa Akbar,L. Gunawan,M. Kusni
27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2010, ICAS 2010 vol:3, issue:, page:1-2090