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Invitation to Discussion on ‘How to Nurture Your Researchers to Become the Top 1% and Top 0.1% Globally’

Invitation to Discussion on ‘How to Nurture Your Researchers to Become the Top 1% and Top 0.1% Globally’

Invitation to Discussion on ‘How to Nurture Your Researchers to Become the Top 1% and Top 0.1% Globally’

For countries to fully realize R&D’s impact to drive economic and social impact, identifying and nurturing these top research talents is of paramount importance. By leveraging on your best research talents, countries are better able to maximize research investments with a tangible global impact. 

To support talent development globally, Clarivate has since 2014, identified annually a small fraction of the researcher population that contributes enormously to extending the frontiers of knowledge and society innovation. Named as Highly Cited Researchers, these are individuals who commanded a disproportionate influence in their respective fields by publishing multiple top 1% Highly Cited Papers. In a parallel exercise since 2002, Clarivate has identified annually global researchers that are of “Nobel Class”. Dubbed as Citation Laureates, to date 59 of them went on to win the Nobel prize, 29 of them within 2 years of being listed. 

You are invited to join our webinar with representatives from Agency of Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) to discuss the journey of how countries can attract and nurture high impact research talent, landing recognitions such as Highly Cited Researcher, Citation Laureate and eventually the renowned Nobel Prize. 

Event details and draft agenda are attached. 

Event details 

Date: 17 Sep 2021 

Location: Online 

Time: 9 am – 10:50 am Jakarta Time 

9.00 AM – 9.05 AM Opening address
9.05 AM – 9.25 AM A*STAR Scientific Vision, Strategy for Talent Development and Research Excellence

Scientific vision and strategy of A*STAR, framework to ensure quality, excellence and impact, and how this relates to talent development.

What does this mean for the Singapore research ecosystem to have a sizeable pool of HCRs and in time to come, a Nobel Laureate?

Prof. Andy Hor

Deputy Chief Executive (Research)


9.25 AM – 9.45 AM When Should Singapore’s Scientists Expect Nobel Prize Recognition? (…or is that even a useful question?)

Among many Awards, the Nobel Prize remains the pinnacle symbol of achievement in Science.

What are available methods to identifying traits of “Nobel Class” researchers and how can such data be used in research planning and evaluation?

David Pendlebury

Scientific Manager, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)


9.45 AM – 10.45 AM Panel Discussion

What does it mean for Singapore’s R&D ecosystem when she welcomes her first Nobel Laureate?

Both speakers and special guest:

Prof. Barry Halliwell Senior Advisor, Academic Appointments and Research Excellence Office of the Senior Deputy President and Provost

National University of Singapore


Lee Inn Beng Director, Government Strategy & Engagement


10.45 AM Closing address


We hope you will accept our invitation. 

Please contact SEE Diu Seng (+65 8126 0491, DiuSeng.See@Clarivate.com) to learn more about this