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Call for Paper International Conference And Exhibition On Sustainable Energy And Advance Material (ICE SEAM 2011)

Call for Paper International Conference And Exhibition On Sustainable Energy And Advance Material (ICE SEAM 2011)

Sebelas Maret University of Indonesia (UNS) in cooperation eith Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) are pleased to inform you of a scientific conference on October 3-4, 2011 called ICE SEAM 2011 (www.iceseam.com).


This event will be held in Solo, Indonesia, one of the famous heritage cities in Central Java (www.surakarta.go.id). ICE SEAM 2011 will gather international scientists, industries, and policy makers from various fields of energy and advance materials with diverse points of view.


We cordially invite you to submit abstracts and papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 30, 2011.


On behalf of the committee, I cordially invite you to participate in this valuable meeting to share ideas, knowledge, products, and current research achievements.


For detail information in connection with activities ICE SEAM 2011 can be download from the link below:

Abstact Template.pdf
Leaflet ICE SEAM 2011.pdf