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Karsa Loka – Pesantren Workshop: Social-Lab for Integrated Agriculture-Based Innovation

Karsa Loka – Pesantren Workshop: Social-Lab for Integrated Agriculture-Based Innovation

LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB and RMI NU held a speech entitled Karsa Loka Vol. 007 which this time is a special edition of Ramadan with the theme “Pesantren Workshop: Social-Lab for Integrated Agriculture-Based Innovation”.

Session 1 – Islamic Boarding School and Community Development

1. Angga Dwiartama, Ph.D. (SITH ITB): Islam and Society Change
2. Alhilal Furqon, Ph.D. (SAPPK ITB): Islamic Boarding Schools and Rural Development

dr. Rizqa Nafiati (RMI PBNU)

Session 2 – Integrated Agricultural Technology for Islamic Boarding Schools

1. Ramadani Putra, Ph.D. (SITH ITB): Waste Treatment Technology for the Development of Modular Integrated Agriculture
2. Zainal Abidin, Ph.D. (FTI ITB): Zero Waste Management Technology (Masaro) for Integrated Agricultural Development Based on Islamic Boarding Schools

Dr. Abdulloh Hamid (RMI PBNU)

K.H. Abdul Ghoffar Rozin (Chairman of PP RMI PBNU)
R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono, Ph.D (Chairman of LPPM ITB)
Day/Date : Friday/7 May 2021
Time: 13.30 – 17.00 WIB
Venue : Zoom/Youtube LPPM ITB

Registration: https://pengabdian.lppm.itb.ac.id/karsaloka/lokakarya_pesantren_social_an_berbasis_innovation