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Karsa Loka – Village Development Through Education Based On Active Involvement of Grassroots Groups

Karsa Loka – Village Development Through Education Based On Active Involvement of Grassroots Groups

LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB manages a talk show entitled Karsa Loka by presenting village activists, social entrepreneurs, village empowerment (local enablers) from various fields. The leaders will share knowledge and best practices in Community Empowerment through innovation in science, art and appropriate technology.

Karsa Loka Vol. 006 carries the theme “Village Development Through Education Based on Active Involvement of Grassroots Groups” by presenting Dr. Imam B. Prasodjo (Chairman of the World Conscience Foundation, Lecturer of FISIP, University of Indonesia) and moderated by Prananda L. Malasan, Ph.D. (Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB)

Day/Date : Friday/16 April 2021
Time: 15.30 – 17.00 WIB
Place : Zoom/Youtube LPPM ITB

Registration info: pengabdian.lppm.itb.ac.id