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Notification of Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS Page

Notification of Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS Page

Notification of Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS Page

Following up on the letter from the Director of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemendikbudristek number 2044/E4/KD.00/2021, regarding Uploading Research Proposal Revisions through the SIMLITABMAS Page, we hereby convey the following:

    1. Referring to Article 17 of the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number 20 of 2018 concerning Research, it stipulates that the Payment Procedure for Research Implementation is further regulated in the Research Contract;
    2. There is a provision in the Research Contract for Fiscal Year 2021 and the Contract for Community Service for Fiscal Year 2021 which stipulates that the payment for the first stage of research funding and community service is provided with the condition that the revised research proposal and, RAB, and a letter of commitment have been uploaded to the SIMLITABMAS page NG 2.0;
    3. All researchers must fill out and re-upload the proposal file, whether there is a change or no change in the content of the proposal or RAB;
    4. Researchers are requested to immediately upload the revised research proposal, RAB, and statement of commitment through the SIMLITABMAS NG 2.0 page (https://simlitabmas. ristekbrin.go.id/) in accordance with the Guidelines for Uploading Revised Proposals and Research RAB and a Statement of Research Ability for 2021 which can be downloaded on the website LPPM;
    5. Specifically for the preparation of a statement of commitment, here are some provisions:
      1. For a statement of ability to use the LPPM header, it can be obtained via Pak Adnan (08993687455 / adnan@lppm.itb. ac.id)
      2. The master contract data can be seen in appendix 1
      3. Derived contract data in the form of research contracts / Implementation Agreements (SPP) can be obtained at the respective management units:
        • Research managed by the Faculty/School can contact the respective Faculties/Schools.
        • Research managed by LPPM can contact Pak Adnan (08993687455 / adnan@lppm.itb.ac.id< /a>).
      4. Affidavit of ability to be signed on a stamp duty of IDR 10,000,-
    6. The deadline for uploading revised research proposals, RAB, and affidavits is July 23, 2021.
    7. If the Chief Researcher does not upload the revised research proposal, RAB, and a statement of commitment, then all the consequences in carrying out the research will be the responsibility of the Research Chair.

    Notification Letter for Uploading Revised Proposals on the Simlitabmas page
    Guidelines for Uploading Revised Proposals and Research RAB and Statement Letter of Research Ability for 2021
    Affidavits of Ability Template