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The International Seminar on Chemical Engineering SOEHADI REKSOWARDOJO 2011 (STKSR 2011)

The International Seminar on Chemical Engineering SOEHADI REKSOWARDOJO 2011 (STKSR 2011)

In Conjunction with Commemoration of the 70th of Chemical Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia

Aula Barat & Aula Timur ITB, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

5-7 October 2011

Theme: Bioenergy, Biobased Product and Process Developments

Organizer: Department of Chemical Engineering ITB in collaboration with APTEKINDO (Indonesian Association of Chemical Engineering Departments) and BKKPII (Indonesian Institution of Engineers, Chemical Engineering Chapter)

We have received plenty of papers for STKSR 2011. However, we are kindly pleased to inform you that the deadline of abstract submission has been extended to August 22, 2011 due to an overwhelming requests from potential participants. We give more opportunity to participants to complete their abstract for presentation at the STKSR 2011.

Deadline of abstract submission (extended): 22 August 2011
Notification of acceptance: 09 September 2011
Full paper submission: 16 September 2011
Seminar: 5-7 October 2011

Please visit our website for update information: www.che.itb.ac.id/stksr2011 . The 2nd circular is enclosed.

Dr. Yogi Wibisono Budhi

More Information: 2nd Circular – International Seminar on Chemical Engineering STKSR 2011