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Webinar : How to Present at International Conferences

Webinar : How to Present at International Conferences

Webinar : How to Present at International Conferences

We are glad to announce that the second webinar of Enago Academy’s (EA) webinar series (Topic: How to Present at International Conferences) will be conducted on April 16, 2018. Dr. Durga Sabnis (Content Expert, EA) will conduct the webinar and share publishing best practices with researchers.


This week’s webinar will discuss how researchers can identify relevant academic conferences and get the most out of them. Presenting at conferences is an important part of scientific communication and is very important for enhancing any researcher’s career prospects. For early-stage researchers, addressing a large audience and presenting their study in an effective and time-bound manner can sometimes be a challenging task. In this webinar, we will focus on some basic principles that will help early-stage researchers understand the importance of effectively presenting at international conferences. By following the standard journal selection practices recommended by Enago Academy, researchers will be able to further improve their presentation skills.


After this session, you will gain critical information on the following :

  • Guidelines on selecting relevant conferences
  • Principles behind writing abstracts for conferences
  • Planning and preparing content for conferences
  • Tips for rehearsing presentations and overcoming stage fright
  • Improving your professional network through international conferences

Webinar Title : How to Present at International Conferences


Schedule : April 16, 2018 | 12:30 & 8:30 A.M. (EDT)


For further details and background material, please visit new link. Kindly send all general queries to academy@enago.com and post topic-related queries on Enago Academy’s Q&A forum (https://www.enago.com/academy/qna/). Please visit this webpage for help with global time zones.


We have limited slots for the webinar. Kindly register for the event as soon as possible. Please feel free to recommend this session to your colleagues!



  • Durga Sabnis is a published author and has worked for more than half a decade in the dynamic field of oncology research.
  • She pursued her PhD in molecular and cellular biology from the prestigious University of Nottingham. She also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Southampton’s Oncology Research Centre (funded by Cancer Research UK).
  • Durga has won several awards for her presentation skills at national and international conferences. She was also invited to deliver the inaugural doctoral lecture at the University of Nottingham.
  • Durga is a recipient of several scholarships. She was also awarded the British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) foundation grant during the final year of her PhD.
  • At Enago Academy, Durga develops resources on scientific writing and academic publishing for international researchers, in order to facilitate their publication journey.

Information & Registration Link : http://consult.enago.com/webinar/how-to-present-at-international-conferences/4176?SmFwYW4=&alias=1