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Webinar – Unraveling Problems and Strategies to Improve Rural-Based Food Security in the COVID-19 Era

Webinar – Unraveling Problems and Strategies to Improve Rural-Based Food Security in the COVID-19 Era

P2D ITB held a Webinar with the theme “Unraveling Problems and Strategies to Improve Rural-Based Food Security in the COVID-19 Era”

Prof. Ir. Zaenal Bachrudin, Ph.D. (Faculty of Animal Husbandry, UGM)
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Firdaus (Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB)
Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha (School of Biological Science and Technology, ITB)
Dr. eng. Bonivasius Prasetya Ichtiarto (Head of Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau of Kemendes PDTT)

Dr. Endra Susila (Head of Village Empowerment Center, ITB)

Dr. Taufikurrahman (Center for Village Empowerment, ITB)

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Via Zoom and LPPM ITB Youtube Channel
Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hVt-ctCyho