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World Environment Day 2024 “Accelerating Land Restoration, Drought Resilience & Desertification Progress”

World Environment Day 2024 “Accelerating Land Restoration, Drought Resilience & Desertification Progress”

World Environment Day 2024

A Collaboration between LPPM ITB and ACS Publication presenting “Accelerating Land Restoration, Drought Resilience & Desertification Progress

Dr. Akhmad Riqqi (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
“Exploring Indonesia’s Ecological Limits: Pursuing Knowledge for Sustainable Solutions”

Dr. Lam Kuok-Choy (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
“Unearthing Enviromental Insights: Leveraging Google Earth Engine for Geospatial Analysis of Tropical Deforestation and Forest Degradation”

Wednesday, 5 June 2024
09.00 – 11.00 (GMT+7)
Via Zoom and Youtube

Registration Link : https://bit.ly/WEDJUNE2024

Link Zoom: https://bit.ly/ZoomITBWED2024
Meeting ID: 996 1177 0831
Passcode: 591936

Link Streaming Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/HeiUPdi9Tc8

Download: Virtual Background